👋 Ethan, Software Engineer
Professional Portfolio
Technologies & Confidence
- HTML5 10/10
- CSS 10/10
- Javascript 10/10
- C# / C/ C++ 10/10
- VB.Net 9/10
- ASPX 8/10
- ASCX 8/10
- PHP 8/10
- .NET 9/10
- XAML 8/10
- SQL 8/10
- SQLite 9/10
- WPF 9/10
- WebApps 9/10
- Unity Engine 8/10
- Xamarin Forms 9/10
- Visual Studio 10/10
- Blendr 8/10
- Xcode 8/10

Portfolio: Programs, Apps, and Games - Past and Present
Released Apps

ClimbR is my first publicly released game, a simple 2D rock climbing game incorporating tilt controls and touch gestures.
Available on the IOS store
The Delayed Stopwatch adds the feature of a countdown before your timer starts so users can time themselves. It also includes settings to move timing buttons to the Left, Middle or Right side of screen.
Delay Stopwatch
Available on the IOS storeApps & Games

Putting my knowledge to the test I aim to build a brand new original boardgame/party-style game. branching my experience out into live updates and Database WebRequests, graphic design and easy UI designs, this app will be my biggest challenge yet but also my biggest accomplishment.
[In Development]
IOS Mobile Game
Using Unity3D to create my first 3D mobile game, using animation, sound design, graphic design, all on my own and learning a plethora of skills as I go.
Museum Explorer
IOS Mobile Game
An application for my friends and I to submit our tennis matches to a SQL database and have serverside code to update the leaderboard database. This App used C# to send PHP WebRequests to manipulate a server Database with SQL queries.
Tennis Rankings
Personal IOS Application
I made a personal Database app that used FTP to be able to manually add items to the database so across multiple devices the database would match.
Personal IOS Application
This application was a simple cross-referencing IOS application to help readers find the links between words, or even singular characters. not released as there would be copyright things to sort.
Personal IOS ApplicationPrograms & Games

One of my first applications after starting my software engineering studies was creating a Connect 4 bot, to play against. I upgraded it to play bot vs bot and record every move to see patterns of winning games but didn't have the processing power to finish all scenarios.'
Connect 4 Bot vs Bot/Human
Console Application
To add onto my learning of coding, I wanted to experiment with graphics and creating an interactive interface for a game, I recreated the simple game of battleships in a WPF application to help learn the Object Programming.
WPF Application
Playing some darts with friends made me wonder how many different ways you could score certain amounts of points in 3 throws. So with a few mathematical calculations and some C# code, I created a program that could tell you how many ways there were of shooting a score in darts and with how many darts from 1 - 3 if possible. later used this data to plot a map of the most likely scores.
Darts Scores
Console ApplicationMy Journey Summarised
2023 - Present
After leaving Teaching and moving back to my home state, I decided to take up a Diploma of Software Engineering and instantly became enthusiastic and motivated again with coding. In all my coding classes, I would take what I learned and tried to make a small program that would take small research to add in extra knowledge to create programs such as Connect 4 and Battleships. And afterwards diving into IOS development and Game Development with releasing my first 2D game and currently developing my first 3D game as well.
2019 - 2022
After graduating highchool in 2018, I went into Civil Engineering and excelled in the computer programming classes using tools such as MatLab to create vectors and programs to calculate forces along beams. I moved from Engineering into Teaching and started to implement my own small programs into class material wherever I could.
2015 - 2018
During my years at school, in 2015 we had the opportunity to start IT studies, where we learned HTML5 and CSS coding, most projects and assessments required us to create a website with separate pages such as About, Title, Gallery, Contact etc. and further research on my own during these years helped me develop my CSS knowledge and add in basic Javascript functions as well for interactive content. Through highschool I obtained both the junior (yr7-9) and senior (yr10-12) IT Excellence awards.